Words of Wisdom ...or so it seems...


Saturday 27 March 2010


Last year, on Earth Day, I did what everyone else did and it felt good. Well, that was before Climategate (plus UPDATE ON CLIMATEGATE)and some research I did regarding Global Warming. Just like politics, one day you feel good about something, the next day you feel like strangling the same whatever or rather whoever who made you feel good earlier on...

This year, if anyone have read my thoughts in The Clouded Truth, The Convenient Lie, Hi, I'm Pah Nur. I am a skeptic. Hi Pah Nuuuuuuurrrr... you will not be surprised nor blame me for not feeling that enthusiastic about Earth Day anymore... here's a video that kind of but not exactly summarize my sentiments towards earth day;

Even if I think Al Gore's Global Warming is the biggest hoax of the century, I love the nature immensely and will not litter nor destroy trees or harm the animals...but for a reason purely that have nothing to do with Al Gore's and company's lies....But remember one thing, every time a group of people lie for self interest, there are other people who suffer the consequences financially too. I am not comfortable with "saving the earth" when "saving the earth" kills fellow's a kind of genocide, except done in a covert manner and legally.....I'd rather have the dinosaur do's less personal when another species destroy you....


Monyet King said...

You said "Even if I think Al Gore's Global Warming is the biggest hoax of the century, I love the nature immensely and will not litter nor destroy trees or harm the animals..."

well...that's very much better than most people :)

Pat said...

And I've finally found someone else who wonders about Al Gore - like I do. Very the interesting. Very, very the interestinkk, indeedy!

And like you - global warming ke, global freezing - I do my bit to make this a better world. I plant trees, make everywhere I can green, and live as green-ly as I know how to.

But, *she blushes, although she is chocolate-coloured* I forgot to remember it was Earth Day yesterday, so.... Sigh.