Below: A not so average frog species jumping around in our political system....

Animals should be allowed to enjoy the freedom, something like what we can observe in the video below :
Amongst many animals, I find Tigers to be one of the most magnificent creatures to roam the jungle. Although lions appear to be the King of The Jungle, Tigers apparently are the King of all Pussies. Well, technically, they are big pussy cats. That may explain the tendency of Tiger Woods to look for other pussies. He must have gotten lonely in his spare time, and reached out for fellow pussies for company. Lesson to learn here is never to name your kids "Tiger"....and umm...well... names like Fakhim (my daughter's friend's name and I kid you not...).
According to the Chinese Calendar, this is the year of the Tiger. That explains all the parodies and funny videos circulating in the Internet out there vis a vis our friend, Tiger Woods. Jokes like, "A Lion may not cheat on it's wife, but a Tiger Wood" and "Tiger Woods sat on Santa's lap. Santa goes 'Ho Ho Ho' and Tiger went "where?! where?! where?!". I know, it's just so lame, but they are out there...
Videos such as the one I've posted below, are scattered all over the Internet.
On a more melancholy tone however, certain species of Tigers are found to be extincting. It's too bad that species like Tiger Woods in it's philandering sense, are far from extinction. Society are not very kind to a "hole in two" as they would appreciate his "hole in one". Apparently, there should be no threesome or multisome in golf either...
Let us carry on with the actual issue involving these magnificent creature called the Tigers. Why do we need to preserve tigers? Just as we need to preserve everything, with the exception of dinosaurs and corrupted politicians/bureaucrats, since their extinction probably made human life possible on earth,(the latter, their extinction will make human peace possible) tigers are of no exception. Talk about divine intervention in favor of humans species, the mass existence, including the dinosaurs were hit by asteroids hence plunging them into extinction. Well, that's what the latest hypothesis seem to suggest. Between you and me, I suspect they died due to suffocation from their own dung...and if we the human species do not learn from this tragedy, we too may plunge to extinction the same way... Of course, this theory of preserving everything is not applicable to hoarders, who probably use this same theory as an excuse for their compulsive hoarding. And oh, this also does not apply to politicians like Samy Veloo...I think we should not preserve politicians the way we preserve other species. We should preserve the nature, and people who grow from bald to a scalp full of hair as they grow older, is just not natural. Again, I digress.
Every species makes up an ecosystem, one similar to that in the offices that you work in. Oh, wait, that is more relevant to a food chain system, whereby the reason why you stayed back at workplace is because you don't want to end up at the bottom of the food chain. Just like music, where every note is an equal, ecosystem recognizes it's components as equals too...hence the existence of true democracy. Take one away, it upsets the universal balance and this is like tossing a boomerang and getting hit on the head as you turn around to walk away, thinking you've gotten rid of what you've tossed out. And that is why, that not only that we have to preserve the tigers, we should try to preserve everything that makes up our natural ecosystem.

Here is a list, namely THE RED LIST 2009, or HERE is the list for the extincting tigers prepared by the IUCN charting the current endangered species. I am a bit upset with this list because the IUCN had left out two species under the amphibian and the reptiles; which are, the Lissamphibia (umm...you may want to check out this link by clicking on it ;-> ) and Squamata subclasses, found roaming around unsupervised in our parliamentary sittings.
Amongst the endangered species, are the a few species of Tigers. HERE and HERE, are a good article regarding tigers and extinction. Here's an article about the White Tiger.

According to the WWF, "tigers are poisoned, shot, trapped and snared, and the majority of these animals are sought to meet the demands of a continuing illegal wildlife trade - which includes traditional Chinese medicine." The tiger's organs are claimed to be powerful aphrodisiacs or to have healing or poisoning abilities. Between 1999 and 2003, says Defenders of Wildlife, poachers in India alone "slaughtered more than 100 tigers and by late 2004 had wiped out all 28 in the world-famous Sariska tiger reserve."
Hunting and poaching are not the only human threats to tigers. Agriculture has encroached upon tiger habitation. "Perhaps the greatest long-term threats are the loss of habitat and the depletion of the tiger's natural prey," says the WWF.

Below: some of the magnificent tiger species, feared to be on their way to : you can double click on pictures to get a bigger view as well as to ascertain it's species.

We need to protect these tigers, and by "protection for the tigers" I do not mean "make them wear condoms". but a word of caution though. In our zealous effort to saving the animals, we must however, remember that we should not compromise the human species in the process. THIS be an interesting article to site a good example of what I've just said.
And of course, it is always healthy to view two sides of the story. Whilst the rest of the world are uniting under the WWF umbrella and other similar organizations to protect the wildlife against well, humans mainly, I bring you the people who have issues with the WWF. You can read the war between Lyndon La Rouche and WWF HERE,and the scandal about the program of WWF. I feel the need to hand you over both sides of the coin, so as you will be aware that there are people out there that who may take advantage on our sentiments of righteousness. I'm only putting the facts for your perusal in hope that this may instigate your curiosity to investigate further, in hope of finding the actual truth...
Despite the finger pointing, and the politics behind world life conservation, I am a firm believer that as long as man walks on the surface of the earth, we should at least show some gratitude towards our Creator by respecting His other creations and take responsibility in taking care of the earth and it's content. It is not self importance, it's just taking responsibility since apparently, we are the species created with the ability of mental deduction, although sometimes, reading about the human activities, and what we do to our fellow beings, this is a difficult fact to swallow.
Having said that, we must however be careful, through which channel we choose to perform our duty as a compassionate human being. Harming our own species in the event of saving other species may just beat the purpose of of it all. Just because humans are overpopulated, it doesn't mean that each life is of no value. It is the life of the people who cannot appreciate the value of life, are the ones who have no self value. But taking one's life, is never the solution.
Imagine if one day, should tigers extinct, how are we going to explain to our kids who killed characters like Hobbes and Tigger?

I leave you with a video of a stand up comedy by George Carlin. You may or may not agree with him, but we can at least agree to have a good laugh even just for a while......
...Click here to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes.....
Brilliantly entertaining as usual :)
Great post and I enjoyed it. I have found chickens at the zoo. And frogs. And why did I go to the zoo? Maybe I should stick with the malls.
Yours are the only long post i bother to read till the end..Love the frogs haha
Ha! Ha! Wicked post!!
interesting... interesting...
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