Words of Wisdom ...or so it seems...

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Tuesday 24 February 2009

Don't give A-Head.....give more of it.....

I have gay news for the gays. Philanderers cannot decide whether the discovery of HIV is good information for health, or perhaps ignorance is bliss. After all, with all the current break through, science is still not able to eradicate this killer disease. Hell, what am I talking about ! We haven't been able to cure a simple common cold, not up until recently, when researchers managed to find the actual cure for it , and that too it is in it's preliminary stage.

Society, on the other hand, is struggling for a break through in altering their mentality towards the stigma of HIV victims. As far as my observation takes me, the HIV victims suffer more or less the same fate as a rape victim in most Islamic countries, that they are victims of public scrutiny as a consequence of society's bigotry regarding this debilitating disease. That is but another story. I'm not here to talk about the ethical or religious aspect of HIV and AIDS, rather, I will be talking about damage control. That is what I do.

Today, Swedish researchers have discovered that men who gives lots of blow jobs to their HIV positive partners will develope antibodies specific to that of the partner's virus.
In AIDs Journal, click HERE to view topic. Unfortunately, one will have to subscibe to view the article. However, there is a summary available, done by Aidsmap. Go ahead and check it out yourself, by clicking HERE.

Basically the gist to this study is :

1. Men who are HIV negative, who give lots of blow jobs to their HIV positive partners, end up developing immunity against the disease during fellatio by producing what is called IgA1 antibodies in saliva that would help inhibit HIV infection during oral sex.

2. Apparently, the more virulent (higher amount of virus swimming along in the HIV positive partner's semen) the partner is, the higher level of that specific antibodies produced in the non infected partner protecting them against the debilitating disease.

3. If you want to have unprotected sex, become a sex worker and have lots of vaginal sex that help built some kind of antibodies against HIV, as the Kenya sex worker observation stated (kindly refer to the article linked in the above "HERE"). A note of caution : medical science, just like any other knowledge, evolves slightly slower than say, the turnover of cancer cells. So today giving blow jobs is prohibited, tomorrow, blow job should be given on prescription. So, I leave it to your discretion to decide, what is best for you. As far as I'm concern, the safest sex is no sex. (that is why sex after marriage is healthier, couples hardly have sex the moment they get married)

4. The antibodies are specific to the sorry, I know people like holes, but there is no loophole for philandering for this one....

There is however, that little thing to point out, a caveat in this study. The couples who participated in this research, an infected man with an uninfected partner, had to have been together for at least 6 months (which is beyond the most infectious state in most cases.). Any guys who did get HIV through oral sex in that risky early part of their relationship disqualifies from the study, because they would no longer be in a “belligerent” relationship.

Before some fatwa flers start sending me the Army of God,( pardon me, Army of Allah, as I may call Him Allah since I am a Muslim), I have to reiterate the fact that I'm not writing this to encourage homosexuality, rather, to state that it is in a way, beneficial for gays to have a fellatio fest, more for survival purposes, since I don't have the power to tell gays to convert back to being straight. My job is to keep people alive and healthy, and I leave God the judgment bit. That is His department. Like I said, I'm here for the damage control......

So don't go a-head, give more of it........
...Click here to find out how deep the rabbit hole goes.....


taxy said...

Can a post of eww and cool at the same time? Cause that was pervertly educational. Ha ha.

PahNur said...

"There is no such thing as a dirty word, only dirty minds....."

Obviously the guy who said this have not driven on KL roads to pick up expletives in multi languages....even those who are hard of hearing are not spared - the middle finger sign language.....